Gaskets, Carb to head rubbers

Today i received the packeges from UK. Its just made my day :)... The engine will be ready by next
weekend... im hopeful.. 


I've ordered new valve stem seals and gaskets for the enginge from UK, so now im waiting the royal airmail package :), meanwhile the rear frame loop is made, but there was no chance to take a photo, i hope next week i can show, how its look. Now some pictures about the actual status.

First, the main parts, as rear frame and  seat will be own made, but there's some special motorcycle parts wich i've to buy, such as headlight, rearlight etc. I know some motorcycle custom garage as Cafe racer dreams and Dime city cycles and especially my favorit is the Wrenchmonkees in Copenhagen, They  make really nice bikes, sell quality, custom  parts for bikes too. I've got a lot of inspiration from their works, so lets take a look at their supply.